Kalahari Resort and Covention Center 250 Kalahari Blvd, Pocono Manor, PA18349
Registration deadline:
November 1, 2019
Late registration deadline:
December 9, 2019
Late Fee:
$25 per athlete
Scratch deadline:
December 1, 2019
Meet fees:
The 2020 Janet Rothenberg Memorial will be unlike any other! With 30,000 more square feet of space thanks to the Kalahari Convention expansion!
We will be hosting JO Levels 2-10/open and all Xcel Levels!
$5,000 Senior Scholarship giveaway!
Surprise gifts for all participants!
Special guest speakers!
Saturday and Sunday competition! No Monday sessions needed!
Come join us and see why we are the fastest growing meet on the East Coast!
$3 per athlete registration fee
The 2020 JRM will be 2 days only thanks to the expansion of the Kalahari Convention area! No Monday sessions for any levels! Special guest speaker on Saturday! Tom Kovic from Victory Collegiate Consulting! Victory Recruiting is committed to assisting families develop an informed, systematic and independent approach to navigating the college athletic recruiting process with success and confidence!